
Proofreading your self-published book – don’t overlook it!

Let's talk about proofreading for your manuscript. Many times self-publishing authors are tempted to forgo this step for one reason or another. Some want to save time, some don't want to spend the money, and others say they've had a friend or family member "look over it." But this important last step is better left to a professional because no matter how good an author is they will inevitably miss errors in their own work. A fresh set of experienced eyes will see things much differently and more clearly than the set of eyes that has been intensely focused on the work for a very long time.
Although hiring a proofreader isn't a requirement to self-publish your book, it is strongly recommended to drastically reduce these errors and give readers a positive reading experience, uninterrupted by annoying misspellings, poor grammar, and inconsistent writing style. Having your manuscript proofread should be the last step in the production phase. Think of it as quality control and the last line of defense against lamentable inaccuracies.
It's also important to remember that even after a professional has taken their passes over your manuscript, something may slip through. Perfection is a difficult, if not impossible goal and even the big publishers miss every now and then.

Pro Tip: Research and choose a proofreader who has experience in the type of work and in the genre that you have produced. Don't be afraid to ask them questions to determine if they are the right fit for your book!

Proofreading - is it a requirement to self-publish your book? No.
Do you need it? Absolutely yes.
Need help finding a proofreader? Check out the self-publishing resources on my website for referrals of professional book editors and more.

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