
Finding Creativity in the Pause

Dear Friend and Reader,
I truly hope that this finds you and your family healthy and well. During this time of isolation and social distancing that is, understandably, very difficult for many, I have never been more grateful that I work from my home office. For some this time has provided a measure of relief from the daily grind, which can feel very rigid, and has opened up some space to pause, recharge, and put attention on (often creative) things that usually get pushed to the side.

There has been little to no down time for me as authors are utilizing this rare window of space to focus on writing and getting their books published, but I do recognize the importance of pressing pause on the stream of the routine of life.

For me this often lets the relentless chirping of thoughts, the rigid boundaries of schedule and emotionally challenging need to "keep it all together" settle and quiet down. It allows a little breath to move and within that I find what feels like authentic creativity. I've rarely been successfully creative when it's been pushed, forced or rushed. In my experience, creativity is a slow moving and evolving creature that only reveals itself when unencumbered by demand, distraction, and preoccupation.

So, if you are in Missoula and see me out walking the neighborhood on a sunny weekday afternoon, this is probably why. I just needed a pause.

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